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Watch the latest roundtable: Effect of COVID -19 on managing esophageal diseases

22 Jul 2020 6:44 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

By Cesare Hassan and Philip W.Y. Chiu

Guidelines committees chairs are pleased to present another virtual roundtable on the COVID-19 in follow-up to the launch of the ISDE Guidance Statement and first roundtable discussion on managing upper-GI endoscopy and surgery during the outbreak. ISDE Guidelines Committee Chair, Cesare Hassan, was joined by an international panel from Singapore, Hong Kong, India and Russia sharing their experiences and perspectives on practicing minimally invasive surgery during COVID 19 (ELSA Guidelines), restarting clinical services for endoscopy and upper GI surgery, and evidence of upper GI endoscopy as Aerosol Generating Procedure.

ISDE wishes to recognize and thank the following individuals for their contributions to this roundtable discussion.

International Panelists

Sergey Kashin, Yaroslavl Regional Cancer Hospital Yaroslavl (Russia)
CS Pramesh, Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai (India)
Asim Shabbir, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Shannon Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

Moderated by Cesare Hassan, Nuovo Regina Margherita Hospital, Rome, Italy 

Affiliated Societies

International  Interdisciplinary  Everything Esophageal

The International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. © International Society for Disease of the Esophagus – ISDE 2024 | Any unauthorized use or reproduction of the content is prohibited without explicit permission.

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