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  • 06 Apr 2021 2:00 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    Help us share the awareness of Esophageal Cancer by using the ISDE Esophageal Cancer Awareness Facebook frame.

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  • 01 Apr 2021 4:20 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    By Mindy Mintz Mordecai, CEO & Founder of Esophageal Cancer Action Network (ECAN)

    “If only we had known.” It’s refrain we hear too often from supporters of the Esophageal Cancer Action Network (ECAN). It’s the reason this non-profit patient advocacy organization was founded 12 years ago with a commitment to prevent the tragedy that has befallen too many families because they didn’t know that heartburn or acid reflux might lead to a life-threatening cancer.

    Lack of Awareness

    ECAN’s mission is to save lives – and one of the most important ways ECAN accomplishes its goal is by making more folks aware that persistent heartburn or reflux symptoms should not be taken lightly – that they may put their lives in danger. ECAN commissioned a poll by IPSOS to determine just how many Americans are aware of the link between reflux and cancer. The results were not surprising. Only 14% of Americans were aware that reflux disease could lead to cancer. Most of those surveyed could only point to heartburn as a symptom of reflux, with little understanding that symptoms like a hoarse voice, sore throat, persistent cough, or choking upon lying down could be signs of GERD. That’s why ECAN continues its relentless efforts to increase awareness about Esophageal Cancer.

    Proclamations in the Halls of Power

    Even though Esophageal Adenocarcinoma was the fastest increasing cancer diagnosis in the United States back in 2009, it did not receive much attention nor research funding. That’s why ECAN started Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month in 2009 with the first Gubernatorial proclamation coming from the state of Maryland. Since then, nearly every state in the nation has declared April Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month at least once over the past 12 years. Possibly even more important, the media, business entities, hospitals, and governmental and professional groups reach out in April to raise awareness about Esophageal Cancer and its link to reflux disease.

    Sharing Information

    In 2021, ECAN is making it easy for citizens to educate everyone they know with opportunities to share important awareness messages about Esophageal Cancer. Among those opportunities are lawn signs you can order to post in your own yard, and ECAN’s Text-a-Day service. Participants in the free texting program will receive a text every day during the month of April with easily sharable social media posts, videos, stories, and infographics that they can share with their friends and family - providing a potentially life-saving message every day during Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. Those opportunities for individuals to raise awareness can be found at

    Increasing Research Funding

    April is also an important time for those advocating on Capitol Hill. For ECAN, it’s when our advocacy campaign to include Esophageal Cancer in the multi-million-dollar Peer-Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP) of the U.S. Dept. of Defense is heating up! For the past two years, ECAN and its supporters have successfully convinced Congress to include Esophageal Cancer in this important program. In 2021, the result will be more than $4 million in additional research funding for Esophageal Cancer. Before ECAN’s efforts, Esophageal Cancer researchers were not included in the program except in years when they accepted applications for research into rare cancers. You can find out more about the research funding available this year through the PRCRP at

    Taking Steps to Save Lives

    More than 400 supporters of the fight to end Esophageal Cancer are expected to participate in ECAN’s second Virtual Steps to Save Lives 5K Run, Walk or Roll from April 18 – 25th! Anyone anywhere can participate and ECAN will send those who register a great “swag bag” with a medal, racing bib, t-shirt, and lots of awareness materials to share along with some other little gifts.

    The 5K competition is run on an honor system. Runners who win in their respective age and gender categories will receive medals and overall winners get crystal awards. Fundraisers earn nice prizes as they work toward their goals and top fundraising individuals and teams get very special prizes. But fundraising is not required to participate. You can get all the details and register at

    Lighting the Night Sky in Periwinkle

    ECAN is also working to raise public awareness about Esophageal Cancer as it gets iconic buildings and landmarks to be illuminated in periwinkle blue (Esophageal Cancer’s awareness color) during the month of April. Locations such as NASCAR’s Headquarters and the Niagara Falls are among the sites that will share that awareness raising light again this year.

    First Esophageal Cancer Conference for All Stakeholders

    Though not strictly in April, ECAN is putting the finishing touches on plans for the first Esophageal Cancer Virtual Collaborative Conference for All Stakeholders called GERD, Barrett’s Esophagus & Esophageal Cancer: A Path to Save Lives to be held in May of this year. The conference is focused on collaboration between healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers, advocates and industry.

    The three-day virtual conference has an illustrious panel of presenters with a robust schedule of topics, including:

    • Detection and Treatment of Barrett’s Esophagus,
    • Familial Links in Barrett’s Esophagus,
    • An In-Depth Look at Personalized Medicine in Esophageal Cancer,
    • A Point-Counterpoint on the Benefits of Esophagectomy,
    • Collaborative Session addressing the dramatic increase in Early-Onset Esophageal Adenocarcinoma.

    The agenda includes a focus on the needs of survivors of Esophageal Cancer, morning yoga sessions, lunchtime cooking demonstrations and even some entertainment from an Esophageal Cancer survivor who has performed Off-Broadway.

    At the conference, ECAN will also present its first Bogart Awards to an individual, a researcher, and lawmakers who have made extraordinary contributions to the wellbeing of those at risk for Esophageal Cancer. Humphrey Bogart died of Esophageal Cancer in 1956 and his Estate has had a partnership with ECAN for nearly a decade. You can sign up for more information about the conference at

    Reward of Raising Awareness

    ECAN’s goal is that one day a repeat survey of Americans can be conducted and will show a much-increased understanding among the general public about the risks posed by persistent Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Just as we all know the importance of sunscreen to head off skin cancer, ECAN is working toward the day when everybody understands that reflux disease is not a mere annoyance so they get the medical attention they need to avoid ever having to say, “If only we had known.”

  • 31 Mar 2021 1:16 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    The European Society for Diseases of the Esophagus (ESDE) and the International Gastric Cancer Association European Chapter (IGCA), will be holding their first joint Congress from November 18 -20, 2021 in Milan, Italy. A series of webinars will be held ahead of the congress between April to September and the first three topics and dates are as follows:

    Esophageal motor disorders and new diagnostic advancements. Do treatments improve - April 22

    Stage 4 gastric cancer. A road map to an European consensus - May 27

    Update and future perspectives of ongoing clinical trials - June 24

    Find out more on the ESDE IGCA Joint congress website.

  • 31 Mar 2021 1:14 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    Comparison of Esophagectomy outcomes between a National Center, a National Audit Collaborative, and an International database using the Esophageal Complications Consensus Group (ECCG) standardized definitions
    DOTE Featured Article
    Members Only Access

    The ECCG developed a standardized platform for reporting operative complications, with consensus definitions. The Dutch Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Audit (DUCA) published a national comparison against these benchmarks. This study compares ECCG data from the Irish National Center (INC) with both published benchmark studies. All patients undergoing multimodal therapy or surgery with curative intent from 2014 to 2018 inclusive were studied, with data recorded prospectively and entered onto a secure online database ( Read the full Comparison of Esophagectomy outcomes between a National Center article.

  • 31 Mar 2021 1:11 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    Effect of anastomotic leaks on long-term survival after oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis
    DOTE Volume 34, Issue 3 | Editor's Choice
    Free Article

    Long-term survival after curative surgery for oesophageal cancer surgery remains poor, and the prognostic impact of anastomotic leak (AL) remains unknown. A meta-analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of AL on long-term survival. Read the full Effect of anastomotic leaks on long-term survival article for free.

    Abandoning resectional intent in patients initially deemed suitable for esophagectomy: a nationwide study of risk factors and outcomes
    DOTE Volume 34, Issue 3 | Editor's Choice
    Free Article

    The main curative treatment modality for esophageal cancer is resection. Patients initially deemed suitable for resection may become unsuitable, most commonly due to signs of generalized disease or having become unfit for surgery. The aim was to assess risk factors for abandoning esophagectomy and its impact on survival. All patients diagnosed with an esophageal or gastroesophageal junction cancer in the Swedish National Register for Esophageal and Gastric Cancer from 2006–2016 were included and risk factors associated with becoming ineligible for resection were analyzed in multivariable logistic regression analysis. Read the full Abandoning resectional intent in patients article for free.

  • 31 Mar 2021 1:11 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    Review a collection of the top ten articles from recent years and stay up-to-date on research that’s making the largest impact in the field, including the following:

    • Comparison of short-term outcomes between robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy and video-assisted minimally invasive esphagectomy in treating middle thoracic esophageal cancer
    • Nutritional optimization during neoadjuvant therapy prior to surgical resection of esophageal cancer – a narrative review
    • Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for cancer of the esphagus or gastroesophageal junction: long-term results of a randomized clinical trial
    • Economic and survival burden of dysphagia among inpatients in the United States
    • The 2018 ISDE achalasia guidelines

    Checkout the reading list online for the complete list.

  • 31 Mar 2021 1:10 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    Checkout the latest DOTE issue for articles on Benign Esophageal and Malignant Esophageal Diseases; See the full table of contents.

  • 31 Mar 2021 1:09 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that we received close to 600 abstract submissions for the ISDE 2021 Virtual Congress! The program committee is looking forward to reviewing all proposals and we will send out result notifications in May.

    Watch this space for the preliminary scientific program – it will be announced on the congress website very soon.

    Next month will also see the opening of the congress registrations.

  • 29 Mar 2021 7:30 PM | ISDE Membership (Administrator)

    Among the most exotic locations for an ISDE World Congress was Kyoto, the site of the 5th World Congress (Figure 1). This meeting was hosted by Congress President Prof. Kin-ichi Nabeya (Figure 2), and the ISDE President was Prof. David Skinner in August 1992. Attendance was 650 strong, representing 45 countries. Submitting abstracts numbered over 500, representing 32 countries. The attendees and accompanying persons enjoyed the beauty and culture of Kyoto immensely (Figure 3). Side trips included a visit to an old capitol of Japan, Nara, and many attendees tried out a traditional ryokan (bed and breakfast) to experience what life was like a century or more before. ISDE milestones marked during this Congress included incorporation of the journal Gullet, edited by Prof. Glyn Jamieson, into Diseases of the Esophagus, and Prof J. Rudiger Siewert succeeded Prof Sergio Stipa as journal editor. The Congress proceedings were published by Springer as Recent Advances in Diseases of the Esophagus, edited by Profs. Nabeya and Hanaoka and Dr. Nogami (Figure 4), which included over 1,000 chapters covering all aspects of esophageal disease.

    The 6th ISDE was held in the international design capital of Milan, Italy, in August 1995. The ISDE President was Prof. Skinner, and the hosts were Congress President Prof. Alberto Peracchia (Figure 5) and his colleague, Prof. Ermanno Ancona. The program was outstanding, including 51 invited lectures, 365 oral abstracts, 108 posters, 68 videos, and a memorable lecture by Mr. Ronald Belsey on the history of clinical esophagology. Over 750 attendees represented nearly 40 different countries. Interest was expressed in encouraging broader membership outside of surgery, and appropriate changes were made to the constitution and bylaws to permit this. The social program was highlighted by regional dress (Figure 6) and, of course, by operatic music (Figure 7). The proceedings were published as Recent Advances in Diseases of the Esophagus, containing more than 1,100 pages divided into 20 sections and including more than 700 authors. It was edited by Peracchia, Rosati, Bonavina, Fumagalli, Bona, and Chella.

    Figure 1. The announcement for the 5th ISDE World Congress.

    Figure 2. Prof. Nabeya, his wife, and Prof. Toni Lerut at the 5th ISDE World Congress.

    Figure 3. Social events included learning traditional flower arranging.

    Figure 4. Recent Advances in Diseases of the Esophagus was published based on proceedings of the 5th ISDE Congress.

    Figure 5. Prof. Peracchia, President of the 6th ISDE World Congress.

    Figure 6. Prof. Peracchia greeting by city officials during the opening ceremonies.

    Figure 7. An enthusiastic rendering of a favorite Italian operatic piece.

  • 26 Mar 2021 7:39 PM | Anonymous

    Esophageal cancer is among the 6th to 8th cause of cancer mortality according to the Global Cancer Observatory. The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. Its symptoms cause a significant impact on patients lives and are often: swallow disorder (dysphagia), unintentional weight loss, heartburn and chest pain. The early treatment for esophageal cancer is imperative for a better prognosis and enhances the chance of the patient survivor. Esophagectomy has an important role in the cancer treatment and minimally invasive approach has been achieving an increasingly solid result in recent years.

    The ISDE hosted a virtual tumour board on the multidisciplinary management of esophageal neoplasm that touched on cancer surgery, oncological treatment, management of surgery complications and endoscopic treatment. This live event was held on March 23, 2021 and moderated by Simon Law, University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Richard van Hillegersberg, University Medical Center Utrecht (The Netherlands).

    Case 1 | Post chemoradiation esophageal stenosis

    Case 2 | Shifting boundaries in T1b esophageal cancer

    Case 3 | Oligometastatic disease

    Case 3 recording can only be viewed on Youtube. Click the image to view.

    Case 4 | Unresectable Case

    ISDE wishes to recognize and thank the following individuals for their contributions to this virtual tumour board:

    • Trevor Leong, Radiation Oncologist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Australia)
    • Daniela Molena, Surgeon, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (USA)
    • Ken Kato, Medical Oncologist, National Cancer Center Hospital (Japan)
    • Christiane Bruns, Surgeon, University Hospital Cologne (Germany)
    • Jacques Bergman, Gastroenterologist (The Netherlands)

    If you are interested in this you may also be interested in the Esophageal Cancer Playlist too.

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